SSD  L-FIL-LET/12 Italian linguistics
Research interest Antonio Montinaro’s scientific researches deal with the Sicilian poetic School, the Southern textual traditions in Italian vulgars (XIII-XVI centuries), textual archives, digital humanities and Romance lexicon. He published a book on the tradition of Giordano Ruffo’s De liber marescalcie and he edited a critical edition of a witness that hands down an Italo-Romance version of this work (ms. Vat. Lat. 10001).

Now he is preparing the critical edition of the medieval statutes written in Salento and a study on the lexicon of the Italian Constitution.

His recent researches, in particular, aim to improve the knowledge of sectorial languages, also of the Middle Ages.

Keywords  Lexicography, lexicology, linguistic analysis, sectorial languages, text editions, textual traditions, digital humanities, statutes, constitution.