SSD M FIL 06- 11 C 5
Research interest My field of research is German classical philosophy (from Kant to Hegel) and its legacy in contemporary philosophy, with particular reference to the following trends: Neo-idealism, French post-ohenomenology, Hermeneutics, Critical Theory and recently analytics philosophy.I explored this filed of research by focusing on the theme of the “actualisation of freedom” a) in human nature and in natural world (with particular reference to the problem of the “motivation” ); b) in inter-subjective relationships; c) in institutions and in historical world


In the last years I developed this three axes through researches devoted to the following subjects:


  1. the reconstruction of contemporary debate on Hegelian Recognition (Anerkennung), with particular reference to Ricoeur’s long-life confrontation both with Hegel’s notion and with its different actualisations (through Kojève, Gadamer, Charles Taylor and Axel Honneth);
  2. the controversial problem of the ontological status of institutions and of collective identities, with special attention to the role of history in the constitution and construction of the last ones: on one side, I concentrated my self on speculative philosophy of history (Fichte,

Schlegel, Hegel), where one can find alternatives genealogies of European identity; on the other side, I explored – both in Fichte and in contemporary authors (Koselleck, Gadamer Ricoeur) the theoretical question of the dialectical relationship between tradition (also in its ideological use) and “horizon of expectations”, through which past keeps on surveying in the present

the status and the different conceptions of responsibility, that I investigated by assuming as guiding thread the different way to define “excuses” and “forgiveness”, both in anglo-saxon philosophical space (Austin, Hart, Murphy, Griswold) and in continental philosophy (Pufendorf, Hegel, Lévinas, Derrida, Ricoeur

Keywords Freedom, Institutions, Inter-subjectivity,  Recognition, History, Identity, Responsibility, Dialectics