petty cash

The log will allow for proper reconciliation of the account at the end of the reporting period when financial statements are prepared. The first step in the imprest system is to appoint a petty cash custodian. The custodian will be the primary person in the organization responsible for managing the petty cash. Designating a custodian establishes accountability and reduces the incidence of error or fraud by minimizing the number of employees who have access to the cash in the fund. Petty cash is a useful tool for small and medium-sized businesses as it keeps money available for small expenses. Recording those expenses helps to budget for future ones, and even though those might be small, they add up. When all disbursements are recorded diligently by the petty cash custodian and the money is replenished on a regular basis, using petty cash can be a real timesaver.

The sales amount would either be increased (overage, +amount) or decreased (shortage, -amount) for that day using object code 6400 Over/Short – Cash. Once approval is submitted todecreaseyour petty cash/cash drawer, complete an Advanced Deposit e-doc and deposit the cash on hand. Used to record the original petty cash/cash drawer value. This account is not changed unless there is a change in the value of the petty cash/cash drawer.

Make sure everyone with access to petty cash funds knows what they’re for, and provide some examples of typical petty cash expenses to make sure there’s no confusion. Petty cash can have a variety of uses depending on your industry.

Boston University Financial Summary

The preferred method of reimbursements is by check, requested via a properly authorized and documented check request. Original, itemized receipts must be submitted when requesting petty cash.Copies of receipts are not valid and will not be accepted.

petty cash

Receipts must correspond to the description of the petty cash ticket and account number designated on the ticket. Full BioKristen works as a freelance writer for The Balance covering small business topics and terms pertaining to entrepreneurship, business finance, and more. The Cash Receipt total plus the total disbursement must equal the original Petty Cash fund amount. Petty Cash funds may not be used to purchase food and beverages. Refer to the Food & Beverage Overview webpage for purchasing procedures.

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Make the Check Request form payable to the fund custodian. Internal controls are also designed to protect employees from inappropriate charges of mishandling funds by defining his/her responsibilities in the handling process. Petty Cash cannot be used for salaries or wages, travel advances, items prohibited by University policy, or for cashing personal checks.

Failure to close a Petty Cash fund in a timely manner may result in a deduction of the outstanding amount from the Custodian’s paycheck. The university strongly encourages departments to consider obtaining the P-Card for small purchases of goods and services.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the criteria by which petty cash funds will be established and approved, and to provide guidance on proper management of those funds. Used to record an increase in the petty cash/ cash drawer balance authorized.This account is not changed unless there is a change in the value of the petty cash/cash drawer. All entries to reimburse the petty cash are charged to an operating account,not the original petty cash account. With this solution, petty cash reconciliations follow an automated workflow that ensures proper review and approval of account data, and maintains appropriate segregation of duties. When discrepancies are identified in petty cash funds, the product automates the workflow for their review by accountants. For proper administration and accounting of the petty cash account, the custodian should maintain a log of all disbursements.

It is because of the petty cash book basis upon which public accounting is done. Petty Cash is generally used by campus departments for emergency payments.

Closing A Petty Cash Account

For a complete list of petty cash expenses & appropriate GL Accounts to use, please visit this link, GL-Descriptions for Petty Cash. Ustodians, alternates, authorized signers and anyone within the University who has a responsibility for any part of the petty cash fund. We’re an online bookkeeping service powered by real humans. Bench gives you a dedicated bookkeeper supported by a team of knowledgeable small business experts. We’re here to take the guesswork out of running your own business—for good.

Funds are audited by FAS quarterly and may be audited at any time by internal & external auditors. Please note that witihin Arts & Science the maximum reimbursement allowed is $50.

While it is important to have a thorough process in place for documenting the transactions in the petty cash fund, a traditional paper-based approach has many limitations. While assigning a custodian to manage a petty cash fund increases accountability, it also has risks. The custodian should be a competent, trustworthy employee in the organization. Not surprisingly, petty cash funds are vulnerable to misuse and could even lead to outright fraud. Make sure that there is a reasonable amount of money in the petty cash fund and that it is enough to meet your company’s needs.

  • Petty cash funds may also be used to compensate human subjects in research efforts where payment by Human Subject Prepaid Card or check is not feasible.
  • Petty Cash is also the title of the general ledger current asset account that reports the amount of the company’s petty cash.
  • Accounting will send a reminder in May each year.
  • Review our up-to-date Financial Accounting by clicking the link below.
  • Although £150 million is petty cash for the railways, this is not some small scheme for us.
  • Section of the Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual provides authority for the university to establish petty cash funds.
  • Monthly – Total of all credits and debits to the account for the current month.

Thus, the difference is only reconciled when the box must be replenished. As expenditures are made, the custodian of the fund will reimburse employees and receive a petty cash voucher with a receipt/invoice attached in return. At any given time, the total of cash on hand plus reimbursed vouchers must equal the original fund. The petty cash fund should be secured at all times. The department is responsible to appoint a custodian, who is a member of the faculty or staff, to monitor its use and replenishment.

Boston University Audited Financial Statements

For more information about PCard and Travel Card uses and procedures, please visit Sourcing & Procurement. A signature of the person making the disbursement.

petty cash

Petty cash is subject to audit at any time by the Controller or designee. Section of the Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual provides authority for the university to establish petty cash funds. It is the sole responsibility of the department to ensure that the funds are secured at all times. Once approval is received to increase your petty cash/cash drawer, complete a DV, payment reason “Z”, for the additional funds using the employee record instead of the Petty Cash Vendor record. The object code for this transaction is petty cash or cash drawer. Sometimes, the petty cash custodian makes errors in making change from the fund or doesn’t receive correct amounts back from users. These errors cause the cash in the fund to be more or less than the amount of the fund less the total vouchers.

Establishing Internal Controls For Petty Cash Funds

An invoice from the vendor must be attached to the Petty Cash Withdrawal Request. Reimbursement of occasional business-related expenses of less than $60.00. A Petty Cash withdrawal request must be prepared for each reimbursement requested. Petty cash must be approved by the individual responsible for the respective general ledger budget line . Receipts for entertainment must include names of attendees and business purpose.

Step 3: Set An Initial Amount, A Replenishment Threshold, And A Withdrawal Limit

Wherever possible, departments should use other disbursement methods instead of petty cash. When the fund requires more cash or at the end of an accounting period, the petty cash custodian requests a check for the difference between the cash on hand and the total assigned to the fund. At this time, the person who provides cash to the custodian should examine the vouchers to verify their legitimacy. The transaction that replenishes the petty cash fund is recorded with a compound entry that debits all relevant asset or expense accounts and credits cash.

By assigning the responsibility for the fund to one individual, the company has internal control over the cash in the fund. Employees have to request the cash, usually by filling out a form. They have to keep it separate from their own cash, and make sure their business and personal expenses don’t intermingle. After making the purchase, they need to get change and a receipt, and hold on to both until they can fill out an expense report. This process has plenty of room for error, and often employees don’t like being held accountable for money kept on their person.

Petty Cash Accounting

Please contact Cashier Services for questions or guidance on Alternate designation. The alternate does not have authorization to make any changes to the account. The petty cash fund is generally accounted for using the imprest system—an accounting system where a specific amount of cash is established to be used for incidental and small expenses. For example, say your small business provides specific services for local business owners.

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